Teen Moms Anonymous

Support Groups

Based in South Carolina and serving the Greenville and Spartanburg areas, we provide a safe and nurturing space where teen mothers and women who have been teen mothers can connect with others who have walked a similar path, find emotional and moral support, and find information and resources to grow into a more confident, skilled woman and mother.  

  • Our support group classes meet once a week for 90 minutes.
  • There is no cost to participate.
  • In our support groups, we provide a facilitator who guides the discussion to ensure everyone has an opportunity to share.
  • Topics we explore relate to the eight (8) Dimensions of Health and Wellness.

The eight (8) dimensions of wellness are aspects of life that contribute to overall health and wellness.

  1. Emotional Wellness - This dimension involves being confident, having control over feelings and behavior, and having good coping mechanisms for dealing with difficult situations.
  2. Physical Wellness - This dimension involves taking care of the body by eating healthy food, getting enough physical activity, and getting enough rest. 
  3. Occupational Wellness - This dimension involves preparing for and participating in work that provides personal satisfaction and life enrichment that is consistent with your values, goals, and lifestyle.
  4. Social Wellness - This dimension involves using healthy communication skills, respecting yourself and others, and showing concern for those in need. It can also involve establishing a support system and increasing your sense of belonging and self-esteem.
  5. Spiritual Wellness - This dimension involves searching for meaning and purpose in life and believing in a higher power. 
  6. Intellectual Wellness - This dimension involves recognizing creative abilities and finding ways to expand knowledge and skills. 
  7. Environmental Wellness - This dimension involves the surroundings you occupy, and how your social and natural environment impact how you feel. A pleasant and stimulating environment can include gardens and clean spaces.
  8. Financial Wellness - This dimension involves having healthy financial habits and being able to afford basic necessities. 

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