Teen Moms Anonymous

Breaking the Cycle of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs).

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Teen Moms Anonymous

Who We Are

Teen Moms Anonymous is a support group and recovery program for teen moms (current and former) who are trauma survivors.


Our mission is to help teen moms (current and former) who are trauma survivors

  • Heal and recover from Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), and
  • Prevent ACEs with their children.

We were founded in August 2020 by Dr. Chris Maria a trauma recovery coach and educator/researcher. Dr. Chris's research focuses on improving education for teen moms (known educationally as pregnant and parenting teens/students).

As an educator/researcher, she knows that a critical component to helping teen moms graduate is to help them heal from Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs). 

She also knows that in as much as we help them heal, that will influence how they parent their children. They will be better able to prevent ACEs with their children and preventing ACEs will directly impact how well their children do in school. So, for the sake of teen moms (current and former) and their children, it is critical that we help them heal.

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